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This is a Remarkable methold of Small Brigde!



Our company is a member of Easy Slab Bridge Association.

The method of Easy Slab Bridge and Easy Rahmen Bridge have excellent structure performance, construction property and economic efficiency. They can be solve the problems of decrepit or maintenance of bridges!

イージースラブ橋 Easy Slab Bridge

H鋼桁埋込RC床版橋 (RC plate deck bridge of embedded H steel girder type





What is Easy Slab Bridge?

Easy Slab Bridge is a complex structure bridge with a main bridge structure built by lining up H steel shapes with simple processes, setting a framework for a lower girder face between lower flanges, passing through the laterally connecting reinforcement into the holes on web plates, fixing both ends with a nut and placing reinforcement for the upper girder face and casting concrete between girder.


魅力 Characteristic


  • 単純な構造!容易な施工 Simple structure

  • 短い現場工期 Short period for site works

  • 低桁高を低コストで実現 Realization of construction of law girder and low cost

  • 多様な平面形状に対応 Can be applied to various shapes of plain surfaces

  • 狭小箇所での施工が可能 Can Construction works in a narrow area

  • 分割施工が可能 Can  Divided construction works

  • 維持管理コストの低減 Minimum maintenance

  • 環境に優しい Eco-friendly

Figure for the image of the structure

イージーラーメン橋 Easy Rahmen Bridge

H鋼桁埋込RC複合門形ラーメン橋 (RC complex Portal Rahmen bridge of embedded H steel girder type)




What is Easy Rahmen Bridge?

Easy rahmen bridge is a complex Portal Rahmen bridge with the integral superstructure and substructure using rigid connection method.Superstructure adopts Easy Slab bridge structure.Thus,Easy Rahmen Bridge utilizes all of the advantages that Easy Slab Bridge has.


特徴 Characteristics

  • 上部工はイージースラブ橋構造 Adoption of Easy Slab Bridge structure for superstructure

  • 地震・洪水・津波などに強い Improved quake resistance

  • 下部工サイズの縮小 Reduced size of the substructure

  • 建設コスト・維持管理コストの低減 Reduced construction cost and maintenance cost

  • 支承、伸縮装置、落橋防止装置が不要 Needless Bearings, Expansion equipment, Protection equipments against collapse of bridge

  • 周辺環境への影響を最小限に To minimize impact on the surrounding environment

湖東1号橋 平成25年10月架

Kotou Bridge No.1

Figure for the image of the structure

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